Green card for cars: what it is and whether it is mandatory for traveling abroad

Green card for cars: what it is and whether it is mandatory for traveling abroad

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 18 2024, 05:44 PM • 31024 views

A Green Card is an international insurance policy for drivers traveling abroad. It protects against the financial consequences of an accident and is mandatory for entry into most European countries.

The Green Card is a versatile and reliable tool that guarantees protection while traveling, as it helps to avoid serious financial losses in the event of an accident. It can be issued quickly and conveniently online, which makes the process even more comfortable for drivers, UNN informs. 

Green card for traveling abroad

A Green Card is a mandatory international insurance policy for drivers that is valid within a certain system of countries. It protects the vehicle owner from financial consequences in the event of a road traffic accident (RTA) caused to third parties abroad.

In fact, the green card for cars is an analog of the CTP (compulsory civil liability insurance) that operates in Ukraine, but covers international travel.

Ukraine joined the international system of motor insurance for traveling abroad in 2005. This was an important step that enabled Ukrainian drivers to travel abroad with a single insurance document for different countries. The system allows it to be checked online through the MTIBU database, which facilitates control at checkpoints.


The main purpose of an international insurance policy is to protect third parties in the event of an accident. This means that if you cause an accident outside Ukraine, your insurance company will provide compensation to the victims. For example, in the event of an accident in Germany or France, the injured party receives compensation for damages through a green card.

The following documents are required to obtain a green card:

  1. Car registration certificate.
  2. Passport or ID card.
  3. Identification code.

You can take out a policy both online and through insurance companies that are members of MTIBU. The cost of an international insurance policy depends on its validity period. For example, a contract can be issued for 15 days, a month, or even a year. The longer the validity period, the higher the price. For example, for 2024, the price of an annual document can be more than UAH 12,000, depending on the type of vehicle and the direction of travel.

In the event of an accident abroad, you need to follow a certain algorithm of actions:

  • Do not move the car until the police arrive.
  • Call the police and the insurance company.
  • Take a photo or video of the scene.
  • Draw up a Europrotocol or wait for the police to draw up the documents.

A Green Card for a car helps to cover the costs of compensation for damages in the countries of its validity, which makes traveling safer and more relaxed.

Is a green card mandatory for cars and is it required when leaving Ukraine

When traveling from Ukraine by car to most European countries, a Green Card policy is required. The system is valid in Europe, North Africa and some Asian countries, such as Israel and Turkey. 


After the outbreak of full-scale war, the rules for Ukrainian drivers changed slightly: in early 2022, it was temporarily allowed to enter neighboring countries without this policy. However, since April 2023, most countries, including Poland, have again required a green card.

An international insurance policy is necessary because without it you risk a large fine, deportation, or even car seizure. In addition, car repairs outside of our country can cost much more and without insurance you will have to pay all the costs yourself. It is important to know that this document only covers damage caused to third parties, but does not cover the cost of repairing your car. Thus, when planning a trip outside of Ukraine by car, it is important to obtain a green card in advance, as it is not only a legal requirement, but also a way to protect yourself from possible financial risks during the trip.

Penalty for not having a green card and how to buy a green card at the border

The fines for not having a green card at the border or while abroad can be serious. In 2023-2024, in many European countries, the fine for driving without this policy may range from 600 to 1000 euros, depending on the country.

For example, in Poland, this fine is approximately 2800 zlotys (about 700 euros) for violations up to 14 days, and in Germany it can reach 1000 euros. In addition, having an international insurance contract is not only a legal requirement, but also protection against financial losses if you cause an accident outside your home country.

If you suddenly forgot to apply in advance, you can do it directly at the border. However, this approach has its risks. Firstly, the price at the checkpoint is often higher due to the markups of intermediaries who take into account the complexity of the situation.

For example, the cost for 15 days for a car to the EU is about UAH 982 in Ukraine, but the price can be much higher when bought at the border. Second, there is a risk of running into fraudsters who may sell you an invalid document. This can lead to additional financial losses and legal problems.

One of the safest ways to avoid problems is to pay online. This can be done in a few minutes on various specialized platforms, for example, through services such as Easypay. The policy issued online is stored electronically, which makes it easy to check its validity through the MTIBU database. In addition, the electronic form works the same way as the paper version. Thus, the early issuance of a green card will allow you to avoid fines and unforeseen expenses at customs, saving you time and money.