Project to support preservation and development of Ukrainian kobza traditions presented in Kyiv

Project to support preservation and development of Ukrainian kobza traditions presented in Kyiv

Kyiv  •  UNN

October 21 2024, 08:26 AM • 11409 views

An online portal DUMA was launched in Kyiv to preserve the kobzar and lirnytsia tradition. The project is aimed at supporting the recognition of Ukrainian kobza heritage by UNESCO and popularizing this culture.

Recently, the Internet portal "DUMA" was presented in Kyiv, created to support the recognition of the UNESCO "Practice for the Protection of the Kobzar-Lirnyk Tradition", preservation and development of the traditions of Ukrainian kobzars, reports UNN.


The event was held at the media center Ukraine, on the eve of the International Day of intangible cultural heritage (the day of adoption of the UNESCO Convention for the protection of intangible cultural heritage), which is celebrated annually on October 17.

Also, during the event, a press conference of the project "Kobzarstvo. An epic tradition.


At the end of 2022, the National List of elements of the intangible cultural heritage of Ukraine included the "Kobzar-lirnitsky tradition" (kobzarism) (Security number 053). Inclusion in the national list indicates the national significance of the multi-year cultural and educational state-building activities of kobzars and lirnikov.

In 2023, on the initiative of the Kobzar workshops in Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Lviv, together with the UNESCO-accredited NGO Democracy through Culture Development Center, the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, and the Watch Ukrainian Association, with the support of the MHP-Hromada Foundation, Ukraine submitted an application for inclusion in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List of "Practices for the Protection of the Kobzar-Lirnytsia Tradition.

At first, we were hesitant about the idea of presenting the "practice for the protection of the Kobzar-lirnitsa tradition" for UNESCO recognition, because kobzars and lirniki are not looking for high-profile fame and great popularity. Kobzar workshops are quite closed communities. Over time, we realized that such worldwide recognition of our heritage is primarily important for Ukraine. Through this recognition, the world learns more about Ukraine, our traditions, identity, and identity. Understanding that the worldwide recognition of Ukrainian culture will help Ukraine in its struggle and support the spirit of Ukrainians led us to decide to apply to UNESCO

- comments Mykola Tovkaylo, a kobzar, archaeologist, priest, and foreman of the Kyiv Kobzar Workshop.

"Thanks to Joint well-coordinated work, we quickly collected the necessary documents and created a documentary film "the world of kobzarism" for submitting an application to UNESCO, after which we were informed that the decision-making procedure may take 3-7 years. Such deadlines did not satisfy us, first of all, because of the war in Ukraine and the threat of destroying the Kobzar tradition. After an expert assessment by UNESCO specialists and convincing arguments from the Ukrainian side, the application received the status of priority of consideration. It was decided that it will be considered in early December 2024 at the XIX session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the protection of intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO in Asuncion, Republic of Paraguay," adds the chairman of the Board of the association "see Ukrainian!", producer of the project " Kobzarstvo. Epic tradition " by Andrey Rizol.

The project "Kobzarism. An Epic Tradition" project was implemented with the financial support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.

As part of the project "Kobzarism. Epic Tradition" project, the DUMA web portal was created, which initially includes:

  • high-quality studio recording of about 100 dumas by 12 contemporary kobzars and lyre players;
  • 19 videos of performances of epic kobza repertoire;
  • 6 films-portraits of kobzars;
  • 3 educational video lectures.

In the near future, it is planned to expand the portal, which will include:

  • archival and restored records, starting from the late nineteenth century (roll records of Filaret Kolesa, Mykola Lysenko, etc.) and up to the latest ones of the mid-twentieth century and up to the present day;
  • scientific articles and links to all possible materials about traditional kobzarism;
  • increase of lecture material for school and popularization programs;
  • information on related projects to preserve intangible heritage in Ukraine and around the world.

"The entire project "Kobzarism. An Epic Tradition" and its important component, the DUMA web portal, were created in accordance with international standards and UNESCO recommendations to pave the way for Ukrainian cultural heritage in the modern digital age. The project's website will be another platform to tell the world about Ukraine," explains Oles Kobzar, film director and creative producer of the project Kobzarstvo. Epic Tradition" project, Oles Sanin.

"By preserving kobza traditions, we are able to keep our roots and origins alive. We want to inform many people about our history and living traditions. Kobzar's thoughts touched our ancestors, awakened in them a sense of humanity and dignity, and raised the struggle for freedom. The origins of kobzarism are the greatest value that belongs to the whole world," adds Ukrainian cultural figure, kobzar, bandura player and lyre player Taras Kompanichenko.

The idea of putting forward the "practice for the protection of the Kobzar-lirnitskaya tradition" for UNESCO recognition as a significant tool for promoting Ukrainian culture in the world, and for maintaining the morale of Ukrainians in the fight against the enemy was supported from the very beginning by the MHP-Hromada Charitable Foundation.

It is extremely important for MHP that Ukraine wins this unjust war. In addition to ongoing support for the military, defenders and veterans, we understand that an important factor in preserving Ukrainian identity is to rethink Ukrainian history and preserve the traditions that demonstrate Ukrainians as distinctive, unconquered and free people

- emphasizes Pavlo Moroz, Director of MHP's Corporate Social Responsibility Department.

Consultations are already underway with the Main Communications Department of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to create a special program based on the Kobzarship. An Epic Tradition" project, a special program to provide moral support to the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the participation of kobzars and brothers of the Kobzar workshops in Kyiv, Lviv, and Kharkiv.

At the end of the press conference, the invited guests had the opportunity to listen live to Kobzar Dumas performed by Tarasakompanichenko; Kobzar, priest and shopmaster of the Kiev Kobzar shop Mykola Tovkailo; Kobzar, lirnik, brother of the Lviv Kobzar shop Taras Dorotsky.

The participants of the press conference were also invited to the opening of the exhibition "Living Heritage: Time, Space, Culture", which will run from October 16 to 30 at the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine and will feature the best examples and traditions of Ukraine's intangible heritage.

Website of the project "Kobzarism. Epic Tradition" - DUMA




The Project " Kobzarstvo. Epic tradition "implemented by the association" see Ukrainian!"in cooperation with the Kiev Kobzar shop, Kharkiv Kobzar shop and Lviv Kobzar Shop with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, with the assistance of the cultural institution "Mezhvukhami" and the National Academy of arts of Ukraine. Thank you for many years of support for preserving the Kobzar tradition of the MHP-Hromada Foundation.

MHP-Hromada is a Ukrainian charitable foundation that started its activity in 2015. Its main mission is the integrated development of communities. the geography of its activities includes 13 regions of Ukraine: more than 700 towns and villages. Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the foundation has systematically supported people who are in the regions of military operations, Ukrainian defenders and rescuers, communities, hospitals and maternity hospitals, charitable institutions that care for orphans and the elderly, as well as people who were left without homes and livelihoods due to the war.