Radutskyi: Draft law on reforming the Medicolegal Expert Commission should be registered in the Verkhovna Rada by November 1

Radutskyi: Draft law on reforming the Medicolegal Expert Commission should be registered in the Verkhovna Rada by November 1

Kyiv  •  UNN

October 25 2024, 08:00 AM • 14614 views

The head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Health, Mykhailo Radutskyi, announced that the draft law on reforming the MSEC will be registered by November 1. The document envisages the complete liquidation of the MSEC from January 1, 2025.

By November 1, the draft law on reforming the Medicolegal Expert Commission should be registered in the Verkhovna Rada. This was stated by the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Health, Medical Assistance and Medical Insurance, Mykhailo Radutskyi, during a telethon, and said that he believes that the bill will pass the first and second readings very quickly, reports UNN correspondent .

The draft law is being developed by the government, it was for public discussion, and I think it's over now. It has been for public discussion for about a month and a half. Today, by November 1, the National Security and Defense Council has given the government this task, and the Rada is waiting for the law to be registered, so it should be registered in the Verkhovna Rada by November 1

- Radutsky said.

He expressed hope that the Parliament would support the bill without delay.

“We hope that the Verkhovna Rada will support this law without delay. I think we will pass the first and second readings very quickly,” Radutsky said. He is also convinced that the bill will be adopted this year.


On October 10, the Ministry of Health reported that a meeting was held with representatives of NGOs and the expert community, where a draft lawwas presented that provides for systemic changes in the medical part of the examination.


In early October, MSEC official Tetiana Krupa and her son, the head of the Pension Fund's regional office in Khmelnytskyi region, were caught in an illegal enrichment scheme. During the searches, almost $6 million in cash in various currencies was found in their possession.

The next day, she was taken into custody, and the case was transferred to the NABU.Soon after, the media reported that dozens of prosecutors in Khmelnytsky, led by their head Oleksiy Oliynyk, had received disability.

According to journalists, they were recognized as persons with disabilities in exchange for covering up the corruption schemes of the head of the regional center for medical and social expertise, the aforementioned Tatiana Krupa.

The inspection revealed that 61 prosecutors in the Khmelnytsky region have disabilities. This was the reason why President Volodymyr Zelenskyy convened a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council.

On October 22, Zelenskyy said that during the NSDC meeting on the situation with the MSEC and the abuse of disability by officials of various state bodies, a list of solutions was identified that would restore justice. In particular, it is the digitalization of the processes of passing all stages of medical and social expert commissions, real verification of declarations of MSEC members.

President Zelenskyy demands that a bill be drafted that will provide for the elimination of medical and social expert commissions from December 31, 2024.

On October 23, Health Minister Viktor Lyashko said that the Health Ministry would adopt a Cabinet of Ministers decree by the end of this week that would eliminate the centralized MSEK.

Starting from January 1, 2025, MSEC will be completely eliminated in Ukraine, as the system is moving to a new approach.