The Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment has provided adviceon how to prepare applicants for the national multi-subject test in 2025 for the entire course of Ukrainian history, UNN reports.
As in the previous year, the history of Ukraine is one of the three compulsory subjects within the NMT, as defined by law. Therefore, each participant must pass the relevant test.
What will be the test on the history of Ukraine
The content of the tasks will correspond to the EIT program in the history of Ukraine and will cover all topics related to the history of Ukraine from ancient times to the events of the early twenty-first century. An objective assessment of the level of mastery of the content of the course in the history of Ukraine is possible only if the entire continuum of the historical process is covered.
How many tasks will be in the test
The main parameters of the tests will be similar to those in effect last year, as the format of the NMT has not changed. Thus, the Ukrainian history test will take 60 minutes to complete. During this time, you have to complete 30 tasks. That is, despite the fact that the content of the test will be expanded, the number of tasks will not be increased.
How to prepare for the test on the history of Ukraine
Don't panic - there is plenty of time. For the first time since the full-scale invasion , preparations for the induction campaign have begun on time.
Systematic learning at school is a prerequisite for success. As for test preparation in general, persistent and responsible studying at the appropriate educational institution will help: this is what provides a solid foundation for a good result on the NMT. When working on each new topic in the history of Ukraine within the current educational process, work meaningfully, try to understand the events described in the paragraph as much as possible, and characterize the figures who lived in a particular era. After studying the topic , write down the main points and analyze them. If possible , the questions that are most difficult to answer should be diversified by working with maps, interactive tables, or other modern technologies. Use information only from reliable sources recommended by the teacher.
Стали відомі найпопулярніші професії у профтехах України: куди вступають у 202404.11.24, 13:44
Memorize not only dates, but also the chronology of events and cause-and-effect relationships. Worried about memorizing a huge number of dates or images of historical figures or monuments? The first tip is to determine which way of memorizing information is right for you. You can memorize material based on visual, auditory, audiovisual, motor, or complex perception. Try all possible methods and choose your own. For example, record all the dates in the history of Ukraine on a dictaphone and then listen to the recording several times during the day. This method will work best for those who are predominantly auditory learners.
Simulators from the Lviv Regional Center for Educational Quality Assessment may also be helpful. The functionality of these simulators allows you to work online with images of monuments and test tasks containing images of historical figures that correspond to the current EIT program in the history of Ukraine. With the help of the "Alphabet" you will be able to understand the definitions of concepts and terms of a certain historical period and complete the corresponding test tasks. Thanks to the proposed maps, you can better practice your skills in working with tasks that contain cartographic material, as well as gain skills in solving the so-called cluster test tasks that appeared in the 2016 EIE history test book and are now among the tasks of the NMT.
Practice doing test tasks from previous years. Of course, you should reinforce your knowledge by familiarizing yourself with the formats of tasks used in NMT tests and by completing typical EIT/NMT test tasks of previous years. This will help you not to get confused on the real test and will record your current progress in learning the topics.
Focus on the demonstration version of the test. Already now you can use the selection of NMT demonstration tests of previous years on the pages of the All-Ukrainian School Online, of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment in the section "Tests of previous years" and of the online tester on the website of the Lviv Regional Center for Educational Quality Assessment. Later, as soon as all regulatory documents are available, the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment will prepare and publish a demonstration version of the Ukrainian history test for NMT-2025.
Рада затвердила формат вступної кампанії у виші: що чекає на абітурієнтів29.10.24, 14:59