The Victorie opposition bloc said on its Telegram channel that Sandu's victory was achieved “thanks to fraud at European polling stations,” while there were fewer polling stations in Russia.
It is written by UNN with reference to the publication “Novaya Gazeta Evropa‘, as well as the TV channel Blocul Politic ’Victorie”.
The Moldovan opposition bloc Victorie intends to protest the results of the second round of the presidential election in the country, pointing to violations identified by the opposition.
“Sandu achieved the desired result only thanks to fraud at European polling stations and massive violations... The Russian and Western diasporas voted in unequal conditions,” the politicians said in a statement.
Перемога Санду в Молдові: у ЦПД РНБО пояснили, чому це важливо для України04.11.24, 10:58
The opposition bloc added that only two polling stations were opened in Russia, “where the largest diaspora” of Moldovan citizens lives, and “dozens of them were opened in European countries, and many of them were empty.” “This injustice must be eliminated at the legislative level,” Blocul Politic's Victorie said.
Meanwhile, the Kremlin does not consider the Moldovan presidential election to be “either democratic or fair.” It is alleged that “hundreds of thousands of Moldovan citizens” were allegedly unable to vote in Russia. This was stated by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the election results.
ISW: російські агенти у Молдові намагаються скасувати перемогу Санду на виборах05.11.24, 05:59